lørdag den 5. juli 2008

På date i morgen.... :o)

I morn' sir' jeg bare... i morgen skal jeg på date... :o)
Daten er omtalt 'et par' gange før her på bloggen... han kryber ind i sjæl og krop... og nu skal vi 'mødes'...
Hmm... måske jeg ser mere til ham, end han ser til mig...
Men ok... han ser måske heller ikke så godt mere når han nu er 73 ;o)
Som skrevet før, er det en ex, der har introduceret mig til LC. Det gjorde han bl.a. med Alexandra Leaving. Denne skønne stykke lyrik. Han var et fint menneske, ex'en altså, og jeg skylder ham tak for at have åbnet mine øjne for noget så fantastisk....
I aftes talte jeg med en der sagde : "Jeg begyndte at høre Leonard Cohen, da jeg begyndte at tænke"... måske meget rammende, når man er klar til ham, så er man klar... intet om alder eller erfaringer...
Jeg vil da heller ikke snyde jer for oplevelsen af Alexandra's afgang... here it is...

"Alexandra Leaving"

Suddenly the night has grown colder.
The god of love preparing to depart.
Alexandra hoisted on his shoulder,
They slip between the sentries of the heart.

Upheld by the simplicities of pleasure,
They gain the light, they formlessly entwine;
And radiant beyond your widest measure
They fall among the voices and the wine.

It’s not a trick, your senses all deceiving,
A fitful dream, the morning will exhaust –
Say goodbye to Alexandra leaving.
Then say goodbye to Alexandra lost.

Even though she sleeps upon your satin;
Even though she wakes you with a kiss.
Do not say the moment was imagined;
Do not stoop to strategies like this.

As someone long prepared for this to happen,
Go firmly to the window.
Drink it in.Exquisite music. Alexandra laughing.
Your firm commitments tangible again.

And you who had the honor of her evening,
And by the honor had your own restored –
Say goodbye to Alexandra leaving;
Alexandra leaving with her lord.

Even though she sleeps upon your satin;
Even though she wakes you with a kiss.
Do not say the moment was imagined;
Do not stoop to strategies like this.

As someone long prepared for the occasion;
In full command of every plan you wrecked –
Do not choose a coward’s explanation
that hides behind the cause and the effect.

And you who were bewildered by a meaning;
Whose code was broken, crucifix uncrossed –
Say goodbye to Alexandra leaving.
Then say goodbye to Alexandra lost.

Say goodbye to Alexandra leaving.
Then say goodbye to Alexandra lost.
Og så er det sikkert 'mojn' herfra og indtil koncerten er overstået.... hvorefter der godt kunne blive drysset et par billeder her på bloggen ;o)

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